As you seek to discover, unlock and live your Godly destiny, you will need to learn many things. Everyone is unique, therefore everyone learns differently. Dr Richard Felder has championed a methodology for helping people understand how they learn. Additionally, educators and coaches can adjust their teaching approach to better reach their students, by understanding how their students process information.
This issue of learning style may be one of the most important things you can know about yourself, as you seek your Godly destiny. It does no good to "study to show yourself approved" if you don't know how to study and what sorts of learning opportunities to seek out.
According to Dr Felder, their are four pairs of learning considerations - each of which lies upon a continuum. They include:
This issue of learning style may be one of the most important things you can know about yourself, as you seek your Godly destiny. It does no good to "study to show yourself approved" if you don't know how to study and what sorts of learning opportunities to seek out.
According to Dr Felder, their are four pairs of learning considerations - each of which lies upon a continuum. They include:
You will lie somewhere on a scale between being an active or reflective learner, a sensing or intuitive learner, a visual or verbal learner, and a sequential or global learner. Once you have an understanding of your unique way of learning, you can seek appropriate tools and teachers to guide you on the path of destiny.
Are you curious what your personal learning style index looks like? Dr Felder and Solomon have developed a quick 44 question test that should serve as a good starting point. The test is free and can be taken online here -
Are you curious what your personal learning style index looks like? Dr Felder and Solomon have developed a quick 44 question test that should serve as a good starting point. The test is free and can be taken online here -