Ben Peters shares regarding the Gift of Faith - while mothers will most often lovingly choose a gift that will make her child happy, a father (if he is involved enough to do some shopping) will often choose a gift that will help the child get better prepared for life's challenges. The father might buy his son tools or sports equipment. He might get his daughter books or supplies for hobbies and other activities. Fathers may have two separate motives. The first would be to help their kids succeed in life. The second would be to give them something to do that they can help them with, thus spending bonding time together.
I believe our Heavenly Father also gives gifts for the same basic reasons. He certainly wants to help us to be successful. When we use His gifts successfully, it builds His Kingdom and when we are honored, our Father is also honored. Secondly, when we use His gifts, we always need His help and advice, because we understand so little of the spiritual world, and we draw closer and closer to Him as we work with His gifts and draw from His wisdom and grace to use them productively.
Have you thought of asking your Heavenly Father for the Gift of Faith to reach your full Godly potential?
It was over 45 years ago that God gave Ben Peters his first major revelation. It was the simplicity of a Christian's walk of faith – trusting the word of a close friend – someone you know quite intimately. The Gift of Faith is more of a supernatural phenomenon than normal day-to-day faith. It comes "upon" you like other gifts, such as prophecy or word of knowledge. When you have this gift, you just "know" God will do something. You don't have to do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that God will do it. You just know it, and you can encourage others to believe because of that knowledge.
This Gift of Faith will easily conquer the obstacles of faith, and like every other gift, it is not earned or rewarded to those who qualify. God's gifts are just that – gifts. We have no right to show them off, except to say, "Look what my Father gave me! He is amazing, and I didn't deserve such a wonderful gift." Some versions of Psalm 68:18 declare that God gave His gifts even to the rebellious, so that He could dwell among His people through His gifts.
At any rate, the gifts are to help us build His Kingdom, not to prove our spirituality or build our own ministry kingdom. If we stay humble, He will bless us with more and more fruitfulness. He will increase the anointing on our gifts and widen our sphere of influence. However, if we take any credit for our ministry gifts, God must resist us.
The fact is: God has to resist the proud, because pride is the chief characteristic and first sin of the devil, whom we are told to resist. When we humble ourselves, He sees the image of His Son, Jesus, who humbled Himself to serve others (see Philippians 2:8). He loves to give us grace when He sees His Son in us. That grace empowers our gifts to higher levels.
God is a loving Father and wants to see you happy, fulfilled, and blessed. He doesn't just want to use you to build His Kingdom. You are His child, in whom He delights. This Gift of Faith is being offered to you who desire it. As a natural father to five and grandfather to twelve, and as a spiritual father to many more, Ben speaks a Father's Blessing over you.
I bless you with grace to receive this Gift of Faith from your Heavenly Father. He knows your lack and your weakness and failures. I speak His grace and favor to you as you humble yourself before Him and acknowledge that you don't deserve anything. But as His child, you are appealing to His Father's heart of love. I bless you with time to set aside to be alone with Him. I bless you with ears to hear His voice as He instructs you about the use of His gift to you. I bless you with His power, love, and a sound mind and freedom from all fear of exercising your gifts.